sábado, 12 de março de 2011

O adeus a Gary Moore

Que este ano começou com muitos desastres e tragédias, isso ninguém discute. Mas o que me deixou triste a semana passada foi saber que um dos meus ídolos havia morrido. Como vocês já devem ter reparado, eu não sou a pessoa mais atualizada que existe. Foi só quando eu vi na banca de jornal a capa da revista Guitar Player com o Tommy Iomi na foto e uma matéria dizendo "Homenagem a Gary Moore" que me surpreendi com esta notícia. Ainda relutante em acreditar nessa possibilidade, o susto se confirmou ao ler que, no dia 6 de fevereiro passado, nosso herói havia feito a viagem derradeira e não iria mais tocar sua guitarra neste mundo. Seus bends e vibratos emocionantes só poderiam agora ser ouvidos nas gravações de suas músicas inesquecíveis. Profundamente influenciado pelo ambiente em que cresceu (a Irlanda do pós-guerra, marcada pelas brigas religiosas e pelas bombas do Exército Republicano Irlandês), o começo de sua carreira nos brindou com pérolas do hard rock, como Wild Frontier, Murder in the skies, Thunder Rising e Over the hills and far away. As marcas da atmosfera de violência e agressividade são bastante claras nestas canções. Mas não apenas a pegada forte e agressiva eram os elementos que se faziam sentir em suas músicas. Aliás, a dor, a solidão e a tristeza são temas recorrentes nas suas canções mais famosas como Still got the blues, Parisienne walkways e Empty rooms, e que se refletem também, é claro, no som de sua guitarra. Me lembro até hoje da primeira vez em que ouvi Gary Moore, foi com a música Still got the blues, na novela Mico Preto da rede Globo. Embora o enredo da novela fosse bastante fraco, a  trilha sonora tinha verdadeiras obras-primas do pop como Sweet child o´mine, do Guns ´n Roses, e Build, do Housemartins. Quem acompanhava a trama, com certeza há de concordar que o ponto alto da novela foi a cena protagonizada pela atriz Glória Pires, onde, depois de um desentendimento, desencontro ou sei lá o quê (eu devia ter uns 13, 14 anos na época, não queira que eu me lembre de todos os detalhes), ela começa a chorar por seu par romântico - o ator Luís Gustavo -, e entra debaixo do chuveiro com roupa e tudo (é o velho clichê das lágrimas se misturando à água da chuva - no caso uma chuva de chuveiro -, clichê este bastante usado no cinema e em músicas, como nas belíssimas Rest in Peace e Can´t wait until tomorrow, do nosso mestre).  Tudo isso ao mais puro som de Still got the blues, onde a tristeza da canção, o desespero e a dor transmitidos pelo solo de guitarra no final da música combinaram perfeitamente com aquela cena que, apesar de manjada, ganhou um ar de dignidade e dramaticidade que só uma música como esta pode conferir. Se não me engana a memória, o solo da música tocou quase que inteirinho, o que foi suficiente para que, vendo aquela cena triste e ouvindo aquele solo de estraçalhar o coração, meus olhos se umedecessem de lágrimas. Essa foi uma das poucas vezes em que realmente me emocionei vendo uma cena de novela na televisão. Não sei se eu já estava triste naquele dia, mas aquela cena e, principalmente, aquela música ficaram guardados pra sempre na minha lembrança. Alguns anos mais tarde, com a internet, tive a oportunidade de conhecer outras músicas do mestre, o que me fez tornar, é claro, um fã de sua obra. De forma geral, suas baladas tristes, normalmente influenciadas pelo blues, conseguem ser realmente tristes e pungentes, emocionando fortemente o ouvinte. Ouça, por exemplo, Picture of the moon, The prophet, Like angels, Nothing´s the same, Separate ways, The Messiah will come again, Empty rooms, Rest in Peace, Still got the blues e The loner e tire suas próprias conclusões. Com certeza lágrimas molharão seus olhos. Relembremos, então, algumas das obras-primas do mestre, só para matar a saudade.

Rest in peace (Descanse em paz)
He sees her face in the mirror.
But as he turns, she starts to fade.
He hears her footsteps behind him.
But when he looks, she's gone again.

He hears her voice in the darkness.
As he awakes, she calls his name.
He sees her shadow on the wall
And counts her tears in the falling rain.

She has passed away
A long, long time ago.
Why she haunts him to this day
He'll never know.

Rest, rest in peace.
You have gone, please leave me alone.
Rest, rest in peace.
You must go, heaven is your home now.

Rest, rest in peace.
You have gone, please leave me alone.
Rest, rest in peace.
You must go, heaven is your home now.

Rest, rest in peace.
You have gone, please leave me alone.
Rest, rest in peace.
You must go, heaven is your home now.

Nothing´s the same
Another time, another place.
The lonely streets where we embraced.
Then you would go without a trace.
Nothing's the same without you.

Another day goes passing by.
I sit alone and wonder why.
Sometimes it's hard, but I will try
To live my life without you.

You're in my heart, you're in my dreams.
You're everywhere or so it seems.
So many times I've heard that song.
Hold back the tears, pretend you're strong.

Another day goes slowly by.
I sit alone and wonder why.
I think of you, I start to cry.
Nothing's the same without you.

Another time, another place.
The sweetness of our last embrace.
What would I give to see your face.
Nothing's the same without you.

Nothing's the same,
nothing's the same,
nothing's the same without you.

Empty rooms

Loneliness is your only friend.
A broken heart that just won't mend
Is the price you pay.

It's hard to take when love grows old.
The days are long and the nights turn cold
When it fades away.

You hope that she will change her mind
But the days drift on and on.
You'll never know the reason why she's gone.

You see her face in every crowd.
You hear her voice, but you're still proud
So you turn away.

You tell yourself that you'll be strong.
But your heart tells you
This time you're wrong.

You hope that she will change her mind
But the days drift on and on.
You'll never know the reason why she's gone.

Empty rooms
Where we learn to live without love.
Empty rooms
Where we learn to live without love.
Empty rooms
Where we learn to live without love.

Empty rooms
Where we learn to live without love.
Empty rooms

The loner (instrumental)

Wild Frontier
I remember the old country
They call the emerald land
And I remember my hometown
Before the war began

Now we're riding on a sea of rage
The victims you have seen
You'll never hear them sing again
The Forty Shades Of Green

We're goin' back to the wild frontier
Back to the wild frontier, it's calling
Back to the wild frontier
We're goin' back
Back to the wild frontier

I remember my city streets
Before the soldiers came
Now armoured cars and barricades
Remind us of our shame

We are drowning in a sea of blood
The victims you have seen
Never more to sing again
The Forty Shades Of Green

We're goin' back to the wild frontier
Back to the wild frontier, it's calling
Back to the wild frontier
Back to the wild frontier, it's calling

Those are the days I will remember
Those are the days I most recall
We count the cost of those

Over the hills and far away
They came for him one winter's night
Arrested, he was bound
They said there'd been a robbery
His pistol had been found

They marched him to the station house
He waited till the dawn
And as they led him to the dock
He knew that he'd been wronged
You stand accused of robbery
He heard the bailiff say
He knew without an alibi
Tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom

Over the hills and far away
For ten long years he'll count the days
Over the mountains and the seas
A prisoner's life for him there'll be

He knew that it would cost him deer
But yet he dare not say
Just where he had been that fateful night
A secret it must stay
He had to fight back tears of rage
His heart beat like a drum
For with the wife of his best friend
He'd spent his final night of freedom

Over the hills and far away
He swears he will return one day
Far from the mountains and the seas
Back in her arms again he'll be
Over the hills and far away

Each night within his prison cell
He looks out through the bars
He reads the letters that she wrote
One day he'll know the taste of freedom

Over the hills and far away
She prays he will return one day
As sure as the rivers reach the seas
Back in his arms again she'll be

Over the hills and far away
He swears he will return one day
As sure as the river reach the sea
Back in his arms is where she'll be

Over the hills and far away
She prays he will return one day
As sure as the rivers reach the seas
Back in her arms is where he'll be

Over the hills
Over the hills and far away

Over the hills
Over the hills and far away

All messed up
The party's over
I can't drink no more
My head is hurtin'
I'm looking for the door
But it's so hard to find
So hard to find

Walk to my car on my hands and my knees
Hand in my pocket
I'm looking for the keys
But they're so hard to find

Look at my son, he's no friend of mine
Reach for my shades before I go blind
Maybe tomorrow I don't wanna know
All messed up with no place to go

I'm seeing double
The whisky's to blame
I'm having trouble remembering my name
So hard to tell, it's so hard to tell

Can't get no sleep
There's a quarrel and fight
I'm not sure if I'm dead or alive
So hard to tell

Look at my son
He's no friend of mine
Reach for my shades before I go blind
Maybe tomorrow I don't wanna know
All messed up with no place to go

I can't believe it's really me in the mirror
Feel like I'm falling off the rails
looks like a hellhouse on my tail

Look at my son
He's no friend of mine
Reach for my shades before I go blind
Maybe tomorrow I don't wanna know
All messed up with no place to go

All messed up with no place to go
All messed up with no place to go
All messed up with no place to go

All messed up
All messed up
All messed up with no place to go
All messed up with no place to go

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